Category: Ideas

  • Proof of work NFTs

    I think this idea is worth many $$$ But I hate the whole degen side of crypto, so I’ll never implement it. Go for it, implement it and get rich 🤣 Lets take a 32 bytes string: For each of the byte we can assign a characteristic of the NFT. Lets imagine that we are…

  • Async collaboration powered by LLM

    Async is hard Working remotely is fine, but working asynchronously is hard. Especially if many people needs to coordinate themselves. Chat applications, from my point of view, are too messy: if you lose a weekend of conversation then reading all unread messages can become stressful. On the other hand, forums are too structured, are often…

  • Proof of idea

    I have many ideas every day most of them are probably trash… But I decided to finally write them down so that when I realized I didn’t decide to build a billion dollar idea I will be able to say: I thought about it first! But you cannot trust my website because I can change…

  • A revolution against monopolies

    After reading an essay by Étienne de La Boétie called Discourse on Voluntary Servitude, I got a strong sense of living in a world in which we are slaves of the decisions that the big corps impose to us. For example, why are we paying lots of money for an hamburger that was produced spending…